Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Bonkers sounding new South Korean comedy - Romantic debtors

I do not need to go on about how much I love South Korean cinema at the moment, you can read my previous post on the subject. Even more than its visual excellence, it's the endless stream of ideas and incredible variety of subject that blows me away

Having had the chance to attend the Q&A of South Korean director Jo Sung-Hee at the London Film Festival last year, fresh out of graduating of his film course and showing his end of term project/first film End of animal (about God incarnated as a cheeky school boy heralding the end of times with the smoke monster from Lost, no less), he explained how much cinema meant to his country at the moment, and how the government actively invests in his home grown talents, (perhaps should we send British Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt, aka Edward Scissorhand, on a fact finding mission over there?)

End of animal

More than its visual excellence, it's the endless stream of ideas and incredible variety of subject that blows me away.

And courtesy of the Yes Asia film website, I have stumbled across this description from a South Korean romantic comedy called "Romantic debtors" that sounds mad:

"It's a detective with bad credit vs a bad tempered debt collector". Just who on earth came up with that idea? In Britain, romantic comedies are all about commoners falling for posh men with floppy hair. In the US, they by law are required to feature Channing Tatum, Amanda Seyfried, Katherine Heigl or Gerard Butler. In South Korea, they feature a detective with bad credit who falls for a bad tempered debt collector, I love it! The trailer is fun also. I doubt we will ever see this in the U.K or the U.S. sadly.

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