Monday, 21 February 2011

Park Chan Wook: I-phone 4, fish hooks and the golden Bear

I don't need to go on about how much I love South Korean cinema. So I was very excited to hear about Park Chan Wook's new venture: a short film shot on his I-phone 4! So far only two types of videos made on a phone seem to have made any sort of impact: happy slapping and home made porn. It was high time a talented director took over and show us how it's done (knowing Park Chan Wook however, I suspected his film might be a combination of both).

It's called Paranmanjang (Nightfishing), according to the fantastic teaser just released, horrible things happen involving a fish hook in it, and it bears his trademark of violence, intense insanity, plus it looks utterly bonkers! Not sure how or when it will be released but it has just won the Golden Bear for best short film at the Berlin Film Festival so there's hoping we'll get to see it!

The story is about a fisherman who catches a mysterious woman in his net, and they get more and more entangled in all the hooks. So with a story like this, no sign of Park Chan Wook calming down then!

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